Cyprus Wineries

Cyprus wineries


The history of Cyprus winery has been alive and ongoing for 6 decades. We have 41 wineries that can travel you on the island and taste their wines. September is the traditional month of the grape harvest from the vineyards. Under the hot sun the vines have by now grown rapidly to the point where the grapes are now ready for harvesting. In Cyprus, harvest season runs from August to mid-November.

Cyprus winery is fast becoming a growing economy because of the high standards and uplift in procedures that are now being followed in Cyprus.

Cyprus Wineries offer top quality wines with Cypriot indigenous varieties as their main ingredient. Plenty of them are open to the public in order to taste their wines. Most vineyards in Cyprus are planted with bush vines of indigenous grape varieties. The principal local variety is Mavro, which means "black". Mavro wine is very light in color unless juice is bled off. This increases the skin-to-juice ratio in the fermenting must. The juice removed is typically used to make fortified wines.


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